On this page we have a selection of quotes from parents and young people.
My six-year-old is so much more confident. She’s found her voice.
Karen, Local Parent
I’ve made new friends and discovered new things I love.
James, 9
I’ve turned drama from a hobby into a passion.
Mark, 17
Group 64 is my second home, I’ve found friend’s who all share the things that I love.
Louis 15
My daughter always comes out of classes smiling and laughing!
Dave, Local Parent
Group 64 helped me decided that I wanted a career in acting, they ignited my passion for drama and supported me through auditions and I can still go back and ask for help now.
G64 Alumni
Everyone really cares; I feel like I am listened too and my opinions matter.
Georgie, 16
My son has really blossomed at Group 64. After moving to the UK it was such a big adjustment but Group 64 is really the place where he has come into his own and allowed his confidence to grow. We are so appreciative of what you do.
Caroline, Local Parent