Pay What You Can Afford

At Group 64 Theatre for Young People, we believe that theatre and drama is for everyone.

With this in mind we do our best to break down barriers that would prevent people attending our classes and one of the ways that we do this is our Pay What You Can Afford scheme. 

This scheme allows families that would find full price fees to be a barrier, to attend classes.  By asking for a rate that is manageable for you, we promise to keep the fee at that price unless you let us know a new amount that works instead. Also, the scheme is in place for families who find their circumstances have changed and would like their young people to keep attending G64. 

We work on a trust basis, you don’t need to prove to us that you need the help. We do ask that if you find yourself in a position where you no longer need our Pay What You Can Afford Scheme you let us know so that we can continue to offer this to as many families and young people as possible. 

Our Pay What You Can Afford Scheme has allowed over 50 families to continue to attend weekly classes and holiday projects at Group 64 on a yearly basis. 

Alongside our Pay What You Can Afford Scheme, we also have sibling discounts and multi class/holiday project discounts. 

If you would like any more information on our Pay What You Can Afford scheme, sibling discounts, multi class or holiday project discounts, please contact our staff who will be happy to help on [email protected]

Pay To Support

If you love the work that G64 does and want to support young people being involved in drama and theatre projects, you can Pay to Support. 

You can do this by adding a donation on to your termly fees, donating to us directly or becoming a corporate sponsor. 

Supporting G64 by donating to us means that you will be a part of; 

  • Creating at least four main stage high-quality production opportunities per year in our own theatre venue.
  • Offering young people paid assistant opportunities as a first on their career path. 
  • Providing more theatre and drama experiences for young people who attend G64 and the wider community. 
  • Offering 1 to 1 support for children and young people with additional needs. 
  • Offering pastoral care for young people.
  • Offering directing, backstage, lighting and sound opportunities. 
  • Helping young people and families in our Pay What You Can Afford scheme. 
  • Building an even stronger and more exciting young people’s theatre company.

All your help and support is always greatly appreciated and goes towards helping young people. If you would like to talk about this in more detail then please feel free to contact Stacey on [email protected]